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Former middle school teacher turned university professor and co-author of critically acclaimed Uncommon Sense Teaching: Practical Insights in Brain Science to Help Students Learn.


I “survived" and thrived through 14 years of teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th graders in rural and urban public schools.While teaching, I continued my education because that’s what we teacher geeks do. When I finished my doctorate in education, I was recruited to complete postdoctoral training in neuroscience. What a game changer! 

Teacher! Researcher, Author. 

! = Excited about and love, love, love what I do!
, = Always adding to our body of knowledge,
. = No piece of writing is ever done; it's just due.


As a proud first-generation college graduate, when I earned my bachelor’s degree in the 1990s, I never imagined I would be a published author for Penguin Random House! And I never imagined I would be a top-rated instructor on Coursera, the world’s largest and most successful Massive, Open (free!), Online, Course (MOOC). I keep asking myself, how did I get here?

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When one of the country’s top neuroscientists and a New York Times best-selling author asks you to coauthor a book linking neuroscience with teaching, what do you do? 


October 18, 2018 

Barb and Beth first meet in Bloomsburg, PA.

You ask,
“How soon do we start?” | Designed by Katianna Lapotsky

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